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53- Tunçel, E., Gutiérrez, F., Gökkaya, E., Seyitoğlu, G., Çiçek, İ., 2024. Tectonic geomorphology and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) in the Acıgöl Graben, Türkiye. Geomorphology, 464, 109374. link
52- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., Tün, M., Oruç, B., Pekşen, E., Aktuğ, B., Kaypak, B., Koca, B., Balkan, E., Mutlu, S., Pekkan, E., Çetinkaya, D., 2024. Newly discovered, the Kayapa-Yenişehir cross-basin fault: As revealed by geological and geophysical studies along the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, a possible source of the destructive 1855 Bursa earthquakes. Journal of Structural Geology, 179, 105028. link
n26- Seyitoğlu, G., Kaypak, B., Tanülkü, E., Karabıyıkoğlu, T., Koca, B., 2024. Influence of the Ptolemy-Pliny-Strabo Fault Zone in Bozburun Peninsula (southwest Türkiye): Evidence from structural data and focal mechanism solutions. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 67, 1-16. link
51- Ahmadi, H., Pekkan, E., Seyitoğlu, G., 2023. Automatic lineaments detection using radar and optical data with an emphasis on geologic and tectonic implications: a case study of Kabul Block, eastern Afghanistan. Geocarto International, 38:1, 2231400. link
n25- Tunçel, E., Çiçek, İ., Seyitoğlu, G., 2023. Alüvyal Yelpazelerin Morfolojik Gelişimine Etki Eden Faktörler: Maymundağı Yelpazeleri Örneği. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 21:2, 404-429. link
50- Tanış, T., Sarı, A., Seyitoğlu, G., 2022. 3D seismic reflection evidence of the blind thrust system in the northern Diyarbakır, southeast Turkey. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15:726. link
49- Seyitoğlu, G., Aktuğ, B., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., 2022. Neotectonics of Turkey (Türkiye) and surrounding regions: a new perspective with block modelling. Geologica Acta, 20, 1-21. link
48- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., 2022.The active fault pattern based on morphotectonic and structural data in the south of Ulubat Lake and the Susurluk valley along the southern branch of North Anatolian Fault Zone: A criticism of the bend model in northwest Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (2), 137-152. DOI: 10.3906/yer-2112-25 link
n24- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., Koca, B., 2022. Seismotectonics of the southern branch of North Anatolian Fault Zone along Bolu, Bursa, and İzmir cities and Değirmenlik (Milos) island in the Aegean Sea. Yerbilimleri-Bulletin for Earth Sciences, 43(2), 138-159. link
n23- Seyitoğlu, G., Tunçel, E., Kaypak, B., Esat, K., Gökkaya, E., 2022. The Anatolian Diagonal: a broad left-lateral shear zone between the North Anatolian Fault Zone and the Aegean/Cyprus Arcs. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 65 (2) , 93-116. DOI: 10.25288/tjb.1015537 link
n22- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., 2022. Uludağ Extensional Metamorphic Core Complex: preliminary field observations. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 169, 49-61. link
47- Esat, K., Seyitoğlu, G., Aktuğ, B., Kaypak, B., Ecevitoğlu, B., 2021. The Northwest Central Anatolian Contractional Area: A neotectonic deformation zone bounded by major strike-slip fault zones in the Anatolian Plate. Tectonophysics, 805, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228776 link
46- Türesin, F.M., Seyitoğlu, G., 2021. Alaşehir type - rolling hinge mechanism in the northern margin of Büyük Menderes Graben: Evidence from seismic reflection and recent thermochronological data. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, in press, DOI: 10.3906/yer-2003-2 link
n21- Ardahanlıoğlu, A.,Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., 2020. The internal structure of Beypazarı Blind Thrust Zone around Çayırhan [Beypazarı Kör Bindirme Zonu’nun Çayırhan Civarındaki İç Yapısı]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 163, 77-97. pdf TUR pdf ENG
45- Gürbüz, E., Seyitoğlu, G., Güney, A., 2020. Late Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Ulukışla Basin: progressive basin development in south-central Turkey. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109, 345-371. link
n20- Seyitoğlu, G., Toori, M., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., 2019. Tectonic significance of the thrust parallel-normal faulting in the northern Makran accretionary wedge of Iran and Pakistan. 72nd Geological Congress of Turkey, The Proceedings and Abstract Book (ISBN:978-605-01-1261-0), 967-972. pdf
n19- Elmas, G., Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N., Işık, V., 2019. Syn-sedimentary tectonic markings in the Oligocene Datça-Kale-Acı Göl basin, western Anatolia [Oligosen yaşlı Datça-Kale-Acı Göl havzasında çökelme ile eş yaşlı tektonizma izleri, Batı Anadolu]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 160, 1-20. pdf TUR pdf ENG
44- Seyitoğlu, G., Cahill, N.D., Işık, V., Esat, K., 2019. Morphotectonics of the Alaşehir graben with a special emphasis on the landscape of the ancient city of Sardis, western Turkey. In: Landscapes and Landforms of Turkey (Eds. C. Kuzucuoğlu, A. Çiner, N. Kazancı) World Geomorphology Series, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 495-507. ISBN: 978-3-030-03515-0. link
43- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., Toori, M., Aktuğ, B., 2018. Internal deformation of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau in the hinterland of Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone. In: Tectonic and Structural Framework of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt (Ed. Farzipour Saein, A.) Elsevier, 161-244. ISBN: 978-0-12-815048-1. link
n18- Şahbaz, N., Seyitoğlu, G., 2018. The Neotectonics of NE Gaziantep: The Bozova and Halfeti Strike- Slip Faults and Their Relationships with Blind Thrusts, Turkey [Gaziantep Kuzeydoğusunun Neotektoniği: Bozova ve Halfeti Doğrultu Atımlı Fayları ve Bunların Kör Bindirmeler ile İlişkileri, Türkiye]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 156,17-40.pdf TUR pdf ENG
42- Seyitoğlu, G., Işık, V., Gürbüz, E., Gürbüz, A., 2017. The discovery of a low-angle normal fault on the Taurus Mountains: the İvriz detachment and implications concerning the Cenozoic geology of southern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 26, 189-205. pdf
41- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., 2017. The neotectonics of southeast Turkey, northern Syria and Iraq: the internal structure of the South East Anatolian Wedge and its relationship with the recent earthquakes. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 26, 105-126.pdf
n17- Seyitoğlu, G., Esat, K., Kaypak, B., 2017. One of the main neotectonic structures in the NW central Anatolia: Beypazarı Blind Thrust Zone and related fault-propagation folds [KB İç Anadolu'daki ana neotektonik yapılardan biri: Beypazarı Kör Bindirme Zonu ve ilişkili fay-ilerleme kıvrımları]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 154, 1-14.pdf TUR pdf ENG
n16- Esat, K., Seyitoğlu, G., Ecevitoğlu, B., Kaypak, B., 2017. Abdüsselam Kıstırılmış Tektonik Kaması: KB Orta Anadolu’da daralma rejimiyle ilişkili bir Geç Senozoyik yapısı [Abdüsselam Pinched Crustal Wedge: a Late Cenozoic structure related to the contractional regime in the NW Central Anatolia]. Yerbilimleri-Bulletin for Earth Sciences, 38(1), 33-56.pdf
n15- Seyitoğlu, G., Kaypak, B., Aktuğ, B., Gürbüz, E., Esat, K., Gürbüz, A., 2016. A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 59(2), 115-130.pdf
n14- Esat, K., Kaypak, B., Işık, V., Ecevitoğlu, B., Seyitoğlu, G., 2016. The Ilıca branch of the southeastern Eskişehir Fault Zone: an active right-lateral strike-slip structure in central Anatolia, Turkey [Eskişehir Fay Zonu'nun güneydoğu bölümünü oluşturan Ilıca kolu: Orta Anadolu'da sağ yanal doğrultu atımlı aktif bir yapı]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 152, 25-37.pdf TUR pdf ENG
n13- Seyitoğlu, G., Işık, V. 2015. Late Cenozoic extensional tectonics in western Anatolia: Exhumation of the Menderes core complex and formation of related basins [Batı Anadolu'da Geç Senozoyik Genişleme tektoniği: Menderes çekirdek kompleksinin yüzeylemesi ve ilişkili havza oluşumu]. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 151, 49-109. pdf TUR pdf ENG
40- Seyitoğlu, G., Ecevitoğlu, B., Kaypak, B., Esat, K., Çağlayan, A., Gündoğdu, O., Güney, Y., Işık, V., Pekkan, E., Tün, M., Avdan, U., 2015. A missing-link in the tectonic configuration of the Almacık Block along the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NW Turkey): active faulting in the Bolu plain based on seismic reflection studies. Geophysical Journal International, 201(3), 1814-1833. link
39- Seyitoğlu, G., Ecevitoğlu, B., Kaypak, B., Güney, Y., Tün, M., Esat, K., Avdan, U., Temel, A., Çabuk, A., Telsiz, S., Uyar Aldaş, G., 2015. Determining the main strand of the Eskişehir strike-slip fault zone using subsidiary structures and seismicity: a hypothesis tested by seismic reflection studies. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 1-20. pdf
38- Işık, V., Uysal, I.T., Çağlayan, A., Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. The evolution of intraplate fault systems in central Turkey: Structural evidence and Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr age constrains for the Savcılı Fault Zone. Tectonics, 10.1002/2014TC003565.
37- Seyitoğlu, G., Işık, V., Esat, K., 2014. A 3D model for the formation of Turtleback surfaces: The Horzum Turtleback of Western Turkey as a case study. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 23, 479-494. pdf
n12- Kaya, S., Esat, K., Ecevitoğlu, B., Işık, V., Kaypak, B., Aldaş, G.U., Can, A.Z., Baksi, E.E., Akkaya, İ, Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. Afyon-Akşehir grabeni batı kenarının tektonik özellikleri üzerine jeolojik ve jeofizik gözlemler: iki evreli genişleme modeli hakkındaki tartışmalara bir katkı [Geological and geophysical observations on the tectonic features of western part of the Afyon-Akşehir graben: a contribution to the arguments on the two-stage extension model]. Yerbilimleri, 35(1), 1-16. pdf
n11- Gürbüz, E, Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. Gölpazarı Havzası'nın Kuvaterner Gelişimi (KB Türkiye) [Quaternary Development of the Gölpazarı Basin (NW Turkey)]. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 57(2), 1-17. pdf
36- Esat, K., Çıvgın, B., Kaypak, B., Işık, V., Ecevitoğlu, B., Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. The 2005-2007 Bala (Ankara, Central Turkey) earthquakes: a case study for strike-slip fault terminations. Geologica Acta, 12(1), 71-85. pdf
35- Toori, M., Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. Neotectonics of Zanjan-Kazvin area, Central Iran: left lateral strike-slip induced restraining stepovers. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 23, 260-276. pdf
Seyitoğlu, G., 2013. Jeolojik Harita Alımına Giriş [Introduction to the Geological Mapping]. Gazi Kitabevi, s. 149. ISBN 978-605-344-103-8.
n10- Toori, M., Seyitoğlu, G., 2011. Geydar Dağlarında (KB İRAN) Orta - GeÇ Miyosen Upper Red Formasyonunun Çökelimi İle Eş Yaşlı Tektonik Rejim Hakkında İlk Gözlemler [Preliminary Observations on the Syn-Sedimentary Tectonic Regime of the Middle-Late Miocene Upper Red Formation in Geydar Mountains (NW IRAN)]. Yerbilimleri, 32(3), 171-186. pdf
34- Demircioğlu, D., Ecevitoğlu, B., Seyitoğlu, G., 2010. Evidence of a rolling hinge mechanism in the seismic records of the hydrocarbon-bearing Alaşehir graben, western Turkey. Petroleum Geoscience, 16(2), 155-160.
n9- Seyitoğlu, G., Aktuğ, B., Karadenizli, L., Kaypak, B., Şen, Ş., Kazancı, N., Işık, V., Esat, K., Parlak, O., Varol, B., Saraç, G., İleri, İ, 2009. A Late Pliocene - Quaternary Pinched Crustal Wedge in NW Central Anatolia, Turkey: A neotectonic Structure Accommodating the Internal Deformation of the Anatolian Plate. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 52(1), 121-154. pdf
33- Şen, Ş. & Seyitoğlu, G., 2009. Magnetostratigraphy of early-middle Miocene deposits from east-west trending Alasehir and Buyuk Menderes grabens in western Turkey, and its tectonic implications. In: Van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Edwards, M. A. & Govers, R. (eds) Collision and Collapse at the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia Subduction Zone. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 311, 321-342.
32- Seyitoğlu, G., Işık, V., 2009. Meaning of the Küçük Menderes graben in the tectonic framework of the central Menderes metamorphic core complex (western Turkey). Geologica Acta, 7(3), 323-331. pdf
31- Seyitoğlu, G., Alçiçek, M.C., Işık, V., Alçiçek, H., Mayda, S., Varol, B., Yılmaz, I., Esat, K., 2009. The stratigraphical position of Kemiklitepe fossil locality (Eşme, Uşak) revised: Implications for the Late Cenozoic sedimentary basin development and extensional tectonics in western Turkey. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie, 251, 1-15.
n8- Özcan, F., Karadenizli, L., Şen, Ş., Saraç, G., Seyitoğlu, G., 2007. Lithostratigraphy and mammalian fossil content of Lower Miocene deposits in the western part of the Çankırı basin: a test for post-collisional tectonic models of NW central Anatolia. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 50(3), 150-157. pdf 
30- Taymaz, T., Wright, T., Yolsal, S., Tan, O., Fielding, E., & Seyitoglu, G., 2007. Source characteristics of the 6 June 2000 Orta-Çankırı (central Turkey) earthquake: a synthesis of seismological, geological and geodetic (InSAR) observations, and internal deformation of the Anatolian plate. In: Taymaz, T., Yılmaz, Y., & Dilek, Y. (Eds.), The Geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 291, 259-290.
29- Ulugergerli, E., U., Seyitoglu, G., Basokur, A. T., Kaya, C., Dikmen, U., & Candansayar, M. E., 2007. The geoelectrical structure of Northwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 999-1026.
n7- Önal, Z., Işık, V. & Seyitoglu, G., 2006. Çankırı havzası batısında bulunan Koyunbaba Fayının karakteri hakkında mezoskopik ve mikroskopik gözlemler ve bunların bölgesel tektonik modeller üzerine etkisi [Mesoscopic and microscopic observations on the character of Koyunbaba fault between Koyunbaba and Hasayaz in the western part of Çankırı basin and their implications on the regional tectonic models]. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 49, 1-12. pdf 
n6- Seyitoglu, G., Ecevitoğlu, B., Işık, V., Esat, K., Akkaya, İ & Sağol, Ö., 2006. Yuvaköy ( Ankara ) kuzeyinde Üst Kretase ofiyolitik melanj ile Neojen birimler arasındaki tektonik sınırın niteliği hakkında jeolojik ve jeofizik veriler [Geological and geophysical data related to the character of the tectonic contact between Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange and Neogene units in the north of Yuvaköy, Ankara]. Yerbilimleri, 27, 163-171. pdf 
28- Karadenizli, L., Seyitoglu
G., Sen, S., Arnaud, N., Kazanci, N., SaraÇ,
G., AlÇiÇek, C., 2005. Mammal bearing late
Miocene tuffs of the Akkasdagi region; distribution, age,
petrographical and geochemical characteristics. In Sen,
S. (Ed.) Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdagi,
Late Miocene of Central Anatolia. Geodiversitas, 27(4),
27- Kazanci, N., Karadenizli,
L., Seyitoglu, G., Sen, S., AlÇiÇek
M. C., Varol, B., SaraÇ, G., Hakyemez, Y., 2005. Stratigraphy
and sedimentology of Neogene mammal bearing deposits in
the Akkasdagi area, Turkey. In Sen, S. (Ed.) Geology, mammals
and environments at Akkasdagi, Late Miocene of Central Anatolia.
Geodiversitas, 27(4), 527-551.
26- Seyitoglu, G., Karadenizli,
L., Kazanci, N., Sen, S., 2005. The position of Akkasdagi
mammal locality in the neo-tectonic framework of Çankiri
basin, Turkey. In Sen, S. (Ed.) Geology, mammals and environments
at Akkasdagi, Late Miocene of Central Anatolia. Geodiversitas,
27(4), 519-525.
25- Çemen, I., Tekeli, O., Seyitoglu,
G., Isik, V., 2005. Are turtleback fault surfaces
common structural elements of highly extended terranes?
Earth-Science Reviews, 73, 139-148.
24- Seyitoglu, G., Isik, V., Cemen,
I., 2004. Complete Tertiary exhumation history of the Menderes
massif, western Turkey: an alternative working hypothesis.
Terra Nova, 16, 358-364.
23- Seyitoglu, G., Kazanci, N.,
Karadenizli, L., Sen, S., Varol, B., & Sarac, G., 2004.
Neogene tectono-sedimentary development of western margin
of Çankiri basin, central Turkey: reply to the comment
of Kaymakci 2003. Terra Nova, 16, 163-165.
22- Isik, V., Tekeli, O., Seyitoglu,
G., 2004. The 40Ar/39Ar age of extensional ductile
deformation and granitoid intrusions in the northern Menderes
core complex: Implications for the initiation of extensional
tectonics in western Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Science,
23, 555-566.
n5- SavasÇi, D. & Seyitoglu, G., 2004. Çankiri havzasina ait Kumartas ve HanÇili formasyonlari iÇerisinde Çökelme ile es yasli yapilar [Syn-sedimentary structures in the Kumartas and HanÇili formations, Çankiri basin]. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 47, 63-73. pdf 
21- Isik, V., Seyitoglu, G., Cemen,
I., 2003. Ductile-brittle transition along the Alasehir
shear zone and its structural relationship with the Simav
detachment, Menderes massif, western Turkey. Tectonophysics,
374, 1-18.
n4- Karadenizli, L., Seyitoglu, G., Sarac, G., Kazanci, N., Sen, S., Hakyemez, Y. ve Savasci, D., 2003. Palaeogeographical evolution of western Çankırı-Çorum basin during Early - Middle Miocene [Cankiri-Corum havzasi bati kenarinin Erken-Orta Miyosen paleocografik evrimi] . Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 126, 69-86. pdf 
20- Varol, B., Araz, H., Karadenizli, L., Kazanci,
N., Seyitoglu, G., & Sen, S., 2002.
Sedimentology of the Miocene evaporitic succession in the
north of Cankiri-Corum basin, central Anatolia Turkey. Carbonates
and Evaporites, 17, 197-209.
19- Seyitoglu, G., Tekeli, O., Cemen,
I., Sen, S. & Isik, V., 2002. The role of the flexural
rotation / rolling hinge model in the tectonic evolution
of the Alasehir graben, western Turkey. Geological Magazine,
139, 15-26.
18- Seyitoglu, G., Cemen, I. &
Tekeli, O., 2002. Discussion on the extensional folding in
the Alasehir (Gediz) graben, western Turkey (reply). Journal
of the Geological Society, London, 159, 105-109.
17- Seyitoglu, G., Kazanci, N.,
Karadenizli, L., Sen, S., Varol, B. & Karabiyikoglu,
T., 2000. Rockfall avalanche deposits associated with normal
faulting in the NW of Cankiri basin: implications for the
postcollisional tectonic evolution of the Neo-Tethyan suture
zone. Terra Nova, 12, 245-251.
16- Seyitoglu, G., Cemen, I. &
Tekeli, O., 2000. Extensional folding in the Alasehir (Gediz)
graben, western Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society,
London, 157, 1097 -1100.
15- Seyitoglu, G. & Sen, S.,
1999. Discussion on "Akgun F. & Akyol E. 1999.
Palynostratigraphy of the coal bearing Neogene deposits
in Buyuk Menderes graben, Western Anatolia. Geobios, 32(3),
367-383". Geobios, 32(6), 934.
14- Kazanci, N., Sen, S., Seyitoglu, G.,
de Bonis, L., Bouvrain, Araz, H., Varol, B., Karadenizli,
L., 1999. Geology of a new Late Miocene mammal locality in
central Anatolia, Turkey. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des
sciences Paris, Series IIa, 329, 503-510.
13- Seyitoglu, G., 1999. Discussion
on evidence from the Gediz Graben for episodic two-stage
extension in western Turkey. Journal of Geological Society,
London, 156, 1240.
12- Sen, S., Seyitoglu, G., Karadenizli,
L., Kazanci, N., Varol, B., Araz, H., 1998. Mammalian biochronology
of Neogene deposits and its correlation with the lithostratigraphy
in the Cankiri - Corum basin, central Anatolia, Turkey.
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 91, 307-320.
11- Seyitoglu, G. & Benda, L.,
1998. Neogene palynological and isotopic age data from Selendi
and Usak-Gure basins, western Turkey: a contribution to
the upper limit of Eskihisar sporomorph association. Newsletters
on Stratigraphy, 36, 105-115.
10- Seyitoglu, G., 1997. Late Cenozoic
tectono-sedimentary development of Selendi and Usak-Gure
basins: a contribution to the discussion on the development
of east-west and north- trending basins in western Turkey.
Geological Magazine, 134, 163-175.
9- Seyitoglu, G. Anderson, D., Nowell,
G. & Scott, B. C., 1997. The evolution from Miocene potassic
to Quaternary sodic magmatism in western Turkey: implications
for enrichment processes in the lithospheric mantle. Journal
of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 76, 127-147.
n3- Seyitoglu, G., 1997. The Simav graben: An example of young E-W trending structures in the late Cenozoic extensional system of western Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 135-141. pdf 
n2- Seyitoglu, G., Kazanci, N., Fodor, L., Karakus, K., Araz, H. & Karadenizli, L., 1997. Does continuous compressive tectonic regime exist during late Paleogene to late Neogene in NW central Anatolia, Turkey?: preliminary observations. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 6, 77-83. pdf 
8- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1996b. The cause of N-S extensional tectonics in western
Turkey: Tectonic escape vs. Back-arc spreading vs. Orogenic
collapse. Journal of Geodynamics, 22, 145 - 153.
7- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1996a. Age of Alasehir graben (west Turkey) and its tectonic
implications. Geological Journal, 31, 1-11.
n1- Seyitoglu, G. & Buyukonal, G., 1995. Geochemistry of Ankara volcanics and the implications of their K-Ar dates on the Cenozoic stratigraphy of central Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 4, 87-92. pdf 
6- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1994. Late Cenozoic basin development in west Turkey.
Gordes basin: tectonics and sedimentation. Geological Magazine,
131, 631-637.
5- Seyitoglu, G., Benda, L. &
Scott, B. C., 1994. Neogene palynological and isotopic age
data from Gordes basin, West Turkey. Newsletters on Stratigraphy,
31, 133-142.
4- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1992b. Late Cenozoic volcanic evolution of the NE Aegean
region. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
54, 157-176.
3- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1992a. The age of the Buyuk Menderes graben (west Turkey)
and its tectonic implications. Geological Magazine, 129,
2- Seyitoglu, G., Scott, B. C. &
Rundle, C. C., 1992. Timing of Cenozoic extensional tectonics
in west Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, London,
149, 533-38.
1- Seyitoglu, G. & Scott, B.
C., 1991. Late Cenozoic crustal extension and basin formation
in west Turkey. Geological Magazine, 128, 155-166.